A concise core workout series founded on the principles of Cathy Madeo’s original Activate Your Core series.

Purchase Activate Your Core 2.0




This method ensures you work all the muscles of the core by varying up drills that focus on different core muscles and changing weight bearing positions throughout each practice, so that your core muscles turn on, and you get stronger from the inside out. Activate Your Core 2.0 builds upon the foundations of the original series and takes core workouts to the next level by including new drills, bent arm strength, and different movement patterns to challenge your core muscles in new ways. This series separates a warm up and cool down video from the core workouts so that each video gets right to the drills. Use them alone, or add them before your yoga practice or any fitness routine.

How To Use This Series

This short video tells you how to use this series. The warm-up video can be done before each video


This short warm-up stretches your shoulders, wrists and legs efficiently to prepare your body for all of the core workouts.

Activate Your Core 2.1

Highlights include fire hydrant, side plank, dolphin to chaturanga, standing core work, seated wide leg lifts and more!

Activate Your Core 2.2

Highlights include fire hydrant, side plank, dolphin to chaturanga, standing core work, seated wide leg lifts and more!

Activate Your Core 2.3

Highlights include forearm knee to arm, superman lifts, chaturangas, single arm/leg plank, tuck hops, hollow body and more!

Activate Your Core 2.4

Highlights include plank elevators, side plank dips, side hops, standing fire hydrant, pistol squat and more!

Activate Your Core 2.5

Highlights include straddle plank, single arm plank, side plank, single leg chaturanga, extended plank drills, reverse table and more!

Activate Your Core 2.6

This overall core workout uses sliding to up-level your core strength. Grab a couple of small towels, socks or ab sliders. Do this video in conjunction with any of the others, or by itself.

Cool Down

This brief cool down is all you need to reset after your core workouts. Stretch your shoulders, hip flexors and wrists.



  • 9 Video Series
  • Build Strength from the inside out
  • New movement patterns and drillsĀ